Monday, January 9, 2012

Should I keep texting this girl?

Yes you should why not..You asked her to the prom & she said yes, That is her sign of telling you she is very much interested.Me as a girl know first off that if she wasn't interested she would not be going to the prom with you! Maybe she is the kind of girl that might would like to hear your voice instead of texting.I know I am..but everybody is different.So take your time & be patient only time will tell. Keep all communications lines open but don't blow it buy over worrying yourself. We girls are emotional creatures.We do like for guy's to do the chasing but it is a limit too what we like.Don't seem like you are a stalker or something. Take your time with her and go easy..Just remember..just by her just accepting you as a prom date, seem likes to me that she is genuinely interested in you. And if you really want to know how she feels about you simply ask her. It won't hurt if you really want to know how she feels.I'm just trying to give you some good ol' fashioned female advice.I hope it works out for you. And by the way have a beautiful time at your prom!!


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