Friday, January 13, 2012

er pup has a weird eye?

My five month old er pup's eye seems a bit off. one eye, all you see is the brown pupil or whatever it's called, and the other one you can see the white around his eye. Is that normal? I had the vet check it out and he didn't seem worried, so I'm not really either. I'm uming he just has something of a lazy eye? it doesn't seem to affect his vision or anything. Also, his eye lids seem to droop a LOT lower than my other er's. I'm hoping he doesn't have that thing where they turn outwards. So, is this a normal thing? Will it ever look like the other eye? (Questions the vet didn't seem to answer.) This is the pup, affectionately named Ed (after Eddie Munster because he is, quite frankly, a little monster.) And yes, he was looking right at me. The innocent look is for being caught stealing the bread out of my hand when I was going to give it to the rabbits, and for making my other er and I chase him down.


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