Thursday, January 5, 2012

Do any other Brits think that dating in the UK is exceptionally hard work?

I must say you are defo on my wave length, My ex girlfriend finished me about 4 months ago due to University and Living 45 Min's anyway. Sherealizedd before things got serious that we had nothing in common. I wanted the Adventure and Experiences such as traveling and seeing the world She wanted to stay put and remain put in the UK for the rest of her life. Being single now has been such an eye opener for me to be honest especially in England. I hat how the social life hear is. I turned 21 this year and being a man i thought that experience now in my life where i am now is going to be good...Its not, im unemployed and finding it continuously hard to find a job or even social life with friends going to university. Being single for nearly 5 half months now im finding it easier to move on everyday even though its been hard to. But i can't the social life in the UK is hard, same as you said you can't socialize or go out with someone unless your in a club or with a work partner. I have applied to Camp America next year for the summer, just to get away from this country and the social scene. Americans and other country's You can just socialize easily, Properly because there is SO much More to do for people our age. I haven't seen scene that The only way is Es program because it will just make me sick watching stupid idiots making a fool of themselves when most of the UK think its normal..errorr No its not.. You sound like your my kind of girl to be honest with you =] do you have facebook? Email it me if you want to.


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